A musician who cant stand still, after the defunct WINERY DOGS (now Portnoy is gone-the future aint bright for the power trio), Kotzen releases another solo album. For those of us who are following his solo career besides MR. BIG, POISON, Smith/Kotzen project, WINERY DOGS ,VERTU, we know his love for funk,soul and that in my humble opinion, Kotzen is the closest thing to the lost brother of Tommy Bolin. What I love about Kotzen is that he keeps his album short and sweet, although he has the abilities and the history to overindulge in almost any possible musical genre he picks to show off.
The opening track "Cheap shots" is an in your face hard rocking tune, bringing in mind his latest band. But after that the groove grows on the funk/hard rock "These Doors' a song that would make Glenn Hughes proud for the influence he has on younger musicians. Kotzen is never satisfied with been pigeonholed and he chooses 'Nomad" to bring his more alternative rock influences at the forefront, aslow ,groovy rocker, the same goes for "Escape", while oat :On the table' he puts the pedal to the medal to an explosive groovy Hard rock song in the vein of DEEP PURPLE "Stormbringer" era. But when you think this powerhouse has proven how good a singer (a mix between Hughes and Coverdale), guitarist and songwriter is, comes the acoustic "This is a test", a love song in the vein of MR.BIG,EXTREME, simple but not simplistic. For me the piece de resistance is kept for the end, a beautiful song named "Nihilist" where he lets his fusion, jazz self free(it is not an instrumental) with some great fusion guitar work and all in less than 5 min, keep it short,sweet and addicitive.
If there was justice in this world , Kotzen would be at the level of Kravitz, but it is not and at Greece, we feel happy he had the chance to see him on stage, no pyrotechnics, nothing more than a power trio that delivers, groovy funk,soul,rock ,fusion turns depending on his mood. Check this out, another gem on Kotzens crown